
Kino de Lirio

Lovely Wedding, Nonpareil

The Wedding Cake Topper – Expect The Unexpected

The Wedding Cake Topper – Expect The Unexpected

Do you remember going to weddings in the years gone by at the reception seeing the wedding cake being topped off by the traditional Bride and Groom figures. It seemed that at every wedding you went to the same old wedding cake toppers were being used. These figures were pretty basic with the Bride wearing a white flowing dress and the Groom wearing his traditional tuxedo. There was absolutely no variation to this theme and these figurines were the only feature included on the wedding cake, like it or not.

Dare To Be Different With A Modern Cake Topper

These days progress has been made and the range of wedding cake toppers has become big business. You will have no trouble whatsoever going out and finding a unique and perfect topper for a particular bride and groom. There are very many specialty wedding retailers that stock a wide range of distinctive wedding cake adornments. Because of the vast range available you will be able to find the perfect adornment to suit your particular circumstance and requirement.

Today, wedding cake toppers can be made out of literally any material. Some of the more expensive toppers are made out of crystal or precious metal like silver. Others are made with acrylic or other less expensive materials. It is always advisable to adorn the wedding cake with a figurine that is elegant but unobtrusive so as not to overshadow the cake itself, which should be the main visual highlight. Typically the traditional style toppers have been used at formal weddings where the cake is displayed at the reception for all the guests to admire.

These days many couples opt for a less formal occasion, such as a wedding on the beach, garden or a beautiful park. These more casual and relaxed occasions call for a less formal adornment. On these occasions it could be more appropriate to dispense with the typical figurine and instead take a more fun approach.

For example for those couples wanting to serve their wedding cake with a smile you could always use your sense of humor by opting for a comical figurine on your wedding cake. There are humorous styles available that feature the bride dragging her groom to the altar by one foot or others where the groom is trying to escape and the bride is dragging him back by the collar. Either of these suggestions are designed to provide a light hearted look at the seriousness of marriage and generally becomes a conversation piece amongst the guests.

It is quite easy to have wedding cake toppers custom made. In many instances the couple choose to order a custom topper, particularly when either the bride or Groom have peculiar interests or are totally dedicated to a particular sport or hobby. For example if the Bride enjoys fishing them the figurine could feature the Bride holding a fishing pole and reeling in the catch of her life with her groom hooked onto the fishing hook. Close friends and relatives will have no trouble working out the significance.

So if you are about to get married and would like to have a wedding cake topper that has significance to you both then get your thinking caps on and come up with a theme that truly reflects who you both are, while at the same time signifying your love and ongoing commitment to each other.